Thursday, March 26, 2020

The way


We are, at the moment at least grasping at hope as if there is something to grasp. Don't look at this statement as a negative remark but as a statement to be examined to its very core. We have been in an age of prosperity and gluttony. taking us to the very extreme so much so that we have lost sight of what truly matters. The thing that truly matters is our connection to one another.

Connection Relationship - Free image on Pixabay

Now we all feel it from time to time, that feeling when we come from ego into being, that feeling of 'connectedness' or oneness as some spiritual leaders like to call it. Its akin to a state of tranquillity, when you talk to someone even if that someone is yourself, you know the feeling and I know you do. Its kinda like goose bumps under your skin followed by a relaxed feeling of bliss that settles our nerves. This sends us into a sleep like state or a deep connection that may last if only a brief time, however its still there, just we have forgotten what it feels like.

In the book Tao Te Ching, one of Lao Tzu's very first teachings is simply "The Dao that can be named is not the eternal Dao" as if to say that we are constantly trying to label things and put meaning to them. Life is meaning and meaning is life, they go hand in hand like the yin yang symbol there are two sides to every situation but the line in the middle does not pick. That is the way of life.
Yin Yang - Sun Moon wallpaper by Lefty923 - 16 - Free on ZEDGE™

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Covid-19 Not Just a Flu

This virus has unhinged our communities, ravaged our elderly and impacted the already sick on a global scale. It has taken a toll on how we currently interact and so far it seems to me like it's a massive wake up call to humanity. You only need to look at our supermarkets to see that we are NOT the generous, caring and selfless human beings that we thought we were. No NOT just yet we are not. In fact the day that someone starves to death because people keep hording food armed with the thought that they will not be able to get more is beyond me and it would be a very sad day for humanity. It only Enforces our feelings of disconnection between fellow human beings.

We Will and have survived more then our fair share of wars, disasters, challenges and sicknesses. This (Covid-19) virus or (Coronavirus) in all its turmoil is just another test on humanity, allowing us to see what we are really like deep down. I have very high hopes as to the potential of humanity and its ability to move past this seemingly outrageous pandemic that we are currently dealing with. While everyone is pointing fingers as to who to blame for deaths and who is going to stop this madness, it ultimately starts with us.

We are the ones to blame. No one else but humanity, stop point fingers and start taking responsibility. I'm not saying that we are intentionally going around spreading this virus but we are not helping the matter by stressing over it and unleashing our egos. That little voices that scream inside pleading with us asking. What about me?. Whats going to happen to me?. This is going to affect everyone no just our egos(the little me's inside all of us). We all need to take a long hard look in the mirror and ask that simple question. What can I do to help others?

How can I be of assistance to others, how can I keep myself and other safe?. Our values need to change from ME to WE. We need to work together to (some how) and I don't even know how just yet, but somehow get from stressing over this virus to deciding to, at the very least consider other people and how it might be affecting them. Offering a kind word to a stranger, there is no need for a hug as the responsible thing to do right now is to keep up social distancing. A kind words can and still make a massive difference to a persons day. The upside is that you also will get a happy feel good feeling for making someones day that tiny bit better.

I really hope that we start to see that this Covid-19 virus is just another hiccup on our history. That after this has all past we can look back on it and learn. Not only that but grow from this place of struggle in the hopes to never ever have to deal with global panic buying and selfishness that has plagued us this time around. I am thankful to be alive and I will continue to shop responsibly and I hope you all do too. I am sending out Love and Compassion to you all and my deepest sympathy for all the people that have lost someone may their souls rest in peace. I hope you all stay well and move forward united together in these hard times.

Peace and Love,

Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Feeling That Comes and Goes.

We all have it, some of us just feel it worse then others. That soft numb pain that seems to linger for hours. It comes in times of stress, times of pain Hek it even comes out of nowhere sometimes. No matter the situation it's always that same numb feeling, the feeling of Anxiety. Now I know I'm no expert and I will never claim to be but this feeling that I have come to move past (mostly) is avoidable. Not Preventable, it is still going to happen however you can monitor and then move past the feeling.

Watch what happens the next time you experience that all to familiar feeling, see if you can in fact locate where it comes from or even better yet trace back to when it started. It could be anything from the way you get out of bed, to the butter running out in the fridge when you had just made toast. You may be reading this going Come on the Butter?, Honestly this guy saying the BUTTER could be the cause. Small things in fact can set you down the path, the key is to locate and FORGIVE. You read it Right FORGIVE, it may be hard to believe but this dealing with process is for the most part Forgiveness. Forgiveness for others and also forgiveness for yourself.

We try to do the one thing we are taught as a youngster to be and that's (strong). STRONG, now strong is a loaded word for a lot of us out there. Who of you remembers at least one or even both of your parents telling you you must be strong? I know I remember. But who out there actually got shown how to be strong, I'll let you think a while as I sit listening to a Wayne dyer speech on Youtube. Okay done, I bet most out there have struggled to even recall the how too's. The fact of the matter is that true Strength comes from the Ability to Admit yes (Admit) that you need help AND will accept help from others.

An amazing thing happens when you admit something that you have been holding onto for a long time. You become less burdened with it Hek you might even admit to yourself that it feels liberating. However upon this liberation comes the responsibility of you and your forgiveness. Allow yourself time for Forgiveness breath it in. Allow yourself to feel the Emotional detachment of what you have just release to the world. Embrace the joy if only for a moment and know that you have allowed this feeling, this thought pattern, this emotion release and relief into your inner world.

I'll leave you with this side note.

If you do it once you most defiantly can do it again.

peace and love,

The way

   We are, at the moment at least grasping at hope as if there is something to grasp. Don't look at this statement as a negative r...